Donate and Help Us Save more Homeless Dogs
Helping those who cannot help themselves.
We are a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization, so your donation may be tax-deductible.
Keep your receipts!
Monetary donations can be made in the following ways:
Zelle =
CashApp = $LeicasPaws2014
PayPal =
Or mail to:
Leica's "Saving Paws" Rescue, Inc.
3 Central Plaza
Ste. #229
Rome GA 30161
We cannot continue our mission of saving GSDs and other dogs from kill shelters without your help. We have the means to network and coordinate transport but cannot bear the financial load without your support. Monetary donations are always needed for medical expenses.
Please note, if you tell us when you are donating for a particulardog, we will make sure your donation is applied appropriately.
Your donations and fundraisers will change the lives of many people and animals. We rely solely on donations from generous individuals. No donation is too small to make a difference. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Leica's Saving Paws depends on your generous contributions in order to continue day to day operations. 100% of donated funds go toward veterinary needs and routine care of the pets in our rescue. We are entirely staffed by volunteers, with no salaries paid. Adoption fees only cover a portion of our expenses, so any amount you can contribute will save lives.

Your donations have helped us change Adrien from this hot mess above to the stunning boy below
Other Ways to Donate
Matching Employer Programs:
Many employers have Matching Gift programs which would double your donation
Donations in Memoriam:
A donor may wish to make a gift in memoriam of a
family member, valued friend, or pet.
Direct Gift of Appreciated Securities:
This method conserves the donor’s cash while
helping to avoid capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated securities. The market value of the securities is deductible in the current year’s tax
return. The donor should consult with their tax advisor.
Direct Gifts of Life Insurance:
If you have a life insurance policy that is no longer
required, transferring the policy to Leicas Saving Paws Rescue may provide benefits to both Leicas Saving Paws
and the donor. The Trust would ultimately collect the
policy value and the donor may be entitled to an income
tax deduction in the amount of the policy’s value. The
donor should consult with their tax advisor.
The donor may list Leicas Saving Paws as a beneficiary
in their will. The distribution of the estate is then
made at the donor’s passing.
This is what your generous donation can do for the Dogs:
$75 – Deworming, fecal test, leash, collar
$125+ – Vaccination, flea & tick preventative, HW test
$65 – Microchip, routine vet visit
$250+ – Bloodwork, x-rays
$250+ – Spay and neuter surgery
$750 – Cardiologist work up and exam
$1000+ – Heartworm treatment, major surgery

GSD – Great Shedding Dog
German Shepherds have two shedding frequencies
1. always, and
2. a little bit more than always.
German Shepherd…more like German Shedder.
German Shepherds only shed twice per year:
January to June and then again July to December.